Client testimonials are an extremely effective way of getting your warm leads over the bottom line. As we've previously mentioned, you should make each of your client interviews into it's own 'Success Story Video'. When you have 4-6, edit the results into one full Client Testimonial Video.
Here are 10 important interview questions for Client Testimonials:
Tell me your name, job role and company
What have you worked on?
How would you describe your career trajectory thus far?
Tell me about some of the highlights and moments from your career
Tell me about working in your current role
What did it feel like to get the results from our product/service etc?
Are you glad you worked with [our business]?
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow in your footsteps?
How has [our business] helped you reach your goals?
What would you tell your 21-year-old self?
It's okay if they repeat themselves a little, as they will invariably give you different wording in each answer, which will give you more options in the edit.
For more useful information on these types of videos, check out our previous article 'Client Testimonials: When, Where & How'.