So you'd like something in your job to feel good about but can't find the financial justification? Well you're in luck!
Video Marketing is widely varied and far reaching, so it's a power that we believe should be used for growth, and for good. Responsible Capitalism is a brilliant trend that's sweeping the globe. Simply put, it's using the power of business to help the less fortunate. It's fantastic because it provides profit incentive for businesses to be philanthropic. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing worldwide and we believe that this is one way we can all serve to shrink that gap, while increasing revenue.
By making the world a better place, you are simultaneously elevating and growing your own business. Like corporate karma.
It drives engagement on your videos
It creates a positive emotional connection with your brand
You can feel good for making the world a better place <3
Video marketing is the ideal place to further your philanthropic mission. Essentially, the idea is, you attach a philanthropic promotion onto your message that you are already paying to be broadcast to lots of receptive people. You, in turn, look good for promoting that message and everybody wins!
You might be wondering how you can do this in a marketing video, without it seeming awkwardly wedged in there.
Here are 10 ways you can make the world a better place through marketing videos:
1. Monetize and Donate
You can monetize a YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram video (by putting ads on it) and donate all proceeds to a Charity. Just make sure you make it clear in the video that that's where the proceeds are going!
2. Wear a T-shirt that Supports a Cause or Charity
If you're doing content marketing (and you should), you can promote a cause or charity simply by wearing one of their T-shirts in a content marketing video.
3. Throw a Fundraiser
Pick a cause or charity close to your heart and throw a fundraiser for them. It's a great opportunity to network for your business, plus you can make a video of the event and share it on social media.
4. Plug a Cause or Charity
It's pretty easy to add a call-to-action on the end one of your videos (most likely a content marketing video) that plugs a cause or charity, without diluting the central message of the video.
5. Build a Video Around a Positive Social Message
For instance - a few years ago, Dove did a campaign for a series of skin products that encouraged women to embrace their age, instead of trying to hide it. It resonated because it had a positive social message - we should stop stigmatizing women aging.
A financial advice company could create a content marketing video entitled "Why There Should be More Female CEOs". They might find that CEOs - their dream clients - are more interested in that topic than getting financial advice from someone they've never heard of. Once they've seen that, they're more likely to start asking 'who is this company? They seem like someone I should know about'.
These videos stand out from the pack because they have an elevated presence and hence, elevate your brand.
6. Make a Video About the Benefits of Something Philanthropic
Eg. '10 Reasons to Support Not-For-Profit Education'. Just make sure (as with all video marketing) you are focusing on benefits for the viewer, and not the benefits for you.
7. Do Something Good for People in Your Video
Whether it's Drake giving the budget of his new music video to people in need, and using the footage as the music video, or that guy who stood on the street with a 'Free Hugs' sign, being the change you want to see in the world works.
8. Conduct a Social Experiment to Encourage Change
One marketing video that exemplified this idea conducted an experiment where they put up a sign that read 'No Phones Allowed Today. Talk to Each Other.'. They confiscated customers' phones and gave them back when they left. The video went viral and now many cafes and restaurants have expanded on that idea in the years that followed.
9. Create a Viral Trend
Creating the next ice bucket challenge could help save millions of lives and substantially build your online presence.
10. Make a Video About Your Mission
Already got a philanthropic mission? Shout it loud and proud with a video. This not only helps to further your cause but lets people know what you're all about too.